Monday, March 3, 2008

Funny Ell Stories

The other day we were in the car and Maycie had to go, and I mean she had to go bad. She literally could not make it to a bathroom even if we would have been near one. So, I let her relieve herself in one of Ave's diapers. Ellie of course sees an opportunity to push Maycie's buttons and says, "Ya, I have to go too, but I'm just gonna wait until I get home because...I'm potty trained!" Oh boy did that tick Maycie off! "ELLIEEEEE! I AM POTTY TRAINED!!!!!" Paul and I had a hearty chuckle.

My kids love Arby's. They love the Arby's Melts in particular. One day as Paul was ordering at the drive-thru, Ellie yells to him "daddy I want a Barbie Melt Down!" I don't know why, but that still makes me laugh so I had to share!

She is trying out new words lately. Almost everything she says starts with "well actually." The other day she walked up to me and said "well this is awkward! My drawer won't open!" I was like wow, that is awkward! She's so funny. She keeps me laughing all of the time. She's in a very loving and obedient stage right now. If I tell her "no" she immediately says "O-Kay Mom." It's wonderful. I wonder how long it will last, but for now I'm lovin it!


Katrina said...

Yeah! I'm glad you gave in to the peer pressure. I will be checking back often to see what your cute family's up to. Love ya!

Kyle and Marci said...

Ellie has always been one to make us laugh. Oh this is pulling at my heartstrings. We miss you. Keep up the pics.

John and Laura said...

That's hilarious! Barbie Melt Down. We have a few of those at our house too. Almost on a daily basis!

Sullivan Family said...

i almost died laughing when i read this. that's one of those things you can totally picture and hear in your head.