Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween was so fun this year. It started off with the McBride Monster Bash at Chris and Jewelia's house. They throw an awesome party! Paul and I went to a costume party that a friend of mine had. It was adults only, and we laughed a lot that night. And then on Halloween night, we went Trunker Treating, and Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood. Averie was so funny. Any time we would walk past others she would yell to them, "Hi duys! Happy Hadoween! I'm weawing my pwitty dwess! I dot my twick o tweat bag!" EVERY TIME! I was laughing all night. When someone would ask her, "what do you say?" expecting trick-or-treat to be the answer, she would instead say, "I'm weawing my pwitty dwess!" She's pretty entertaining.


Ginger said...

Way fun! It was a pwetty dress. I've always loved the holidays but kids just make them so much better. You and paul look cute too. I'm glad you finally posted. I know that you always do Halloween so well, now you've proven me right.

Sullivan Family said...

i love haddoween! and where in the name of all that is holy did you find those pirate pants that paul was wearing? that is awesome

Katrina said...

Your family always has the funnest costumes! Your girls are as darling as ever. And you and Paul looked AWESOME in your pirate costumes! I always think Kenji and I should dress up to make it more fun for the kids and then Halloween rolls around and we go as our usual, frightening selves. Lame, I know. Maybe next year. :)

syndi said...

All the costumes look awesome, but I especially like your's and Paul's, you truely are his little wench hehe!